Structural analysis for topology optimization of a jet engine bracket

Alp Timucin Kocak, Ismail Sarac


The main purpose of topology optimization is to determine the non-load-bearing or low-load-bearing volumetric elements in the structure and to ensure that they are volumetrically removed from the structure. Since the non-load bearing elements will be removed from the structure, the topological density of the structure will decrease, but its strength will not be affected significantly. Thus, lighter, but sufficiently durable structures can be obtained. Achieving a light structure in designs will provide an economical solution as it will mean using less material. In order to make a topology optimization, the designed basic geometry is subjected to structural analysis and thus the load paths on the structure are determined. Then, topology optimization is applied to the structure. In this study, firstly, literature information about the development of topology optimization was given, then, structural linear static analysis of a bracket used as a fastener in a jet engine was performed using ABAQUS software. Required geometry, load conditions and material information were gathered from an online design challenge announced by General Electric in 2013. As requested, Ti6Al4V powder material properties were defined for the bracket material. The aim of the study is to determine the load paths on the bracket and to decide whether the bracket, which is not topologically optimized, will remain in the linear elastic region against the applied loads. As a result of the analysis, the load paths inside the jet engine bracket were determined and the bracket was prepared for a topology optimization to minimize mass and maximize rigidity. 


Additive manufacturing, Bracket, Structural analysis, TiAl6V4 powder, Topology optimization

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