A review of the usability of photogrammetry technique for studying the structural behavior of historical buildings

Izzettin Kutlu, Asena Soyluk, Serdar Aydin


The structural integrity and performance of historical buildings are important factors in their survival for generations. There are many research and development in the examination of structural behavior of historical buildings, with technological developments that allow innovative techniques spread very rapidly in design and construction practice. Conventional surveying techniques that still exist in practice are replaced with their enhanced digital counterparts for more accuracy in measuring structural deformation. As one of the novel techniques, photogrammetry provides 3D digital models out of high-quality images which define the level of detail in preservation and documentation projects. Especially in numerical modeling of historical buildings, it is required to ensure a certain level of accuracy in the digitization of complex geometrical and material properties, for which photogrammetry provides easy-to-use, inexpensive and time-saving solutions. In the context of studying cultural heritage, which possess unique architectural and cultural values, it is essential to examine structural and seismic behavior of historical buildings and monuments. Within this context, it is highly important to conceive new methods that integrate the monitoring processes of structural behaviors of historical buildings and innovative technologies. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the advantages in the use of photogrammetry for studying the structural behavior of historical buildings, which fills an important research gap in the field. The study provides an extensive review of the literature that focuses on the use of photogrammetry by classifying the works according to the headings of “topic,” “methodology,” “site,” and “findings.” One of the findings is that there is a limited number of works that attempt to integrate the use of photogrammetry with structural analysis. Despite the confirmed effectiveness of the method, it is found out that there are four studies that focus on photogrammetry to conduct structural analysis. With the increased use of photogrammetry that is computationally inexpensive and timesaving, it will be advantageous for researchers, engineers and surveyors who work on taking important decisions about the preservation of historical buildings. Besides, the research shows the potential of the technology of photogrammetry as a holistic approach for bringing together the disciplines of architecture and engineering that usually require two distinct expertise in terms of analyzing the structural behavior of historical buildings under static and dynamic loads. 


Historical building, Photogrammetry, Structural behavior, Structural system

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