Numerical simulation of the synthetic strain energy and crack characterization parameters using the FEM method of a two-dimensional multi-position model

Bentahar Mohammed, Habib Benzaama


Fracture mechanics is a science that studies the growth and propagation of cracks, as well as the ability to absorb cracks of a component or material under service conditions (operation, service life, etc.). This paper deals with the numerical modeling of the strain energy evolution (ALLAE), the J-integral and stress intensity factors, of a multi-position initial crack of length a = 1mm. The first part is based on the study of the positions of the cracks of the upper face which contain positive values, and the second part of the study is based on the study of the positions of the cracks of the lower face which contain negative values. The finite element method was used on a two-dimensional model in the first mode I. Additionally, elasto-plastics material was applied. Thus, the CPS8, 8-node biquadratic plane stress quadrilateral elements were used. The crack is then modeled numerically using the ABAQUS finite element calculation code. In addition, the results obtained concerning the numerical modeling were compared, and discussed between the different positions either higher dimensions y=8, 6.4, 4.8, 3.2 and 1.6mm or lower dimensions y= -6.4, -4.8, -3.2 and 1.6mm. A good correspondence was obtained between the different comparison results in all the modeling cases of our work. When there is a crack on the upper face, the real KI varies between 50 and 92 (Mpa√m), the KII varies between -8 and 8.8 (Mpa√m). Thus, the integral J varies between 3 × 10-8 and 1.2 × 10-7 (KJ/m2) and the dissipation energy ALLAE varies between 0 and 3 × 10-11 (J). In addition, when there is a crack on the lower side, the varied KI factor between 45 and 85 (Mpa√m), KII varies between -0.5 and 7 (Mpa√m) Thus, the integral-J varies between 3×10-8 and 1×10-7(KJ/m2) and the dissipation energy ALLAE varies between 0 and 2×10-11(J).

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