Impact of autonomous vehicles on traffic efficiency and emissions at a freeway off-ramp

Mehmet Nedim Yavuz, Halit Ozen


In the last few years, autonomous vehicle technology has become increasingly popular in both the academic and private sectors due to its potential to change the existing transportation networks. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of autonomous vehicles in terms of traffic efficiency and emissions over a hypothetical freeway network with an off-ramp. To this end, an open-source simulation tool, Eclipse SUMO, is utilized, considering the varying traffic demand levels and penetration rates of AVs. Total travel time is used as an indicator of traffic efficiency. Also, traffic emissions (CO, HC, and NOx) are utilized as comparison outputs. As a result of this study, AVs provide improvements in traffic efficiency. When the volume of traffic reaches the capacity of the road, this beneficial effect becomes more obvious. However, the increase in penetration rate of AVs when traffic volume reaches the capacity of the road leads to more traffic emissions.

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