Development of an inductive wireless charger for mobile phones
This research focuses on designing and constructing a wireless charger for mobile phones. The wireless charging technique used is the inductive technique, which involves designing and constructing a power supply unit, an oscillator circuit, the transmitter and receiver coils, and rectification and filtering circuits. The oscillator circuit converts the 9 V DC voltage from the power supply unit to an oscillating magnetic field of high frequency (about 200 kHz) on the transmitter coil. This time-varying magnetic field induces EMF on the receiver coil according to the principles of mutual inductance. The induced voltage on the receiver coil is then passed through the required circuits for rectification, filtering, and regulation. The output of the receiver unit is used to charge a mobile phone. ATMEGA328P microcontroller is also embedded in the wireless charger to detect and display the working state of the wireless charger through the 16 x 2 LCD to make the device more user-friendly and easier to use. Based on the design, the wireless charger can produce up to 5 V voltage and 450 mA current at the output of the receiver circuit, which are the minimum requirements for charging a mobile phone. Also, the wireless charger can charge a mobile phone effectively at a distance of 6 cm. The embedded microcontroller unit also enhances the interaction between the wireless charger and the users.
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