Internet of Thıngs (IOT) Enabled Drip Irrigation System(DIS) for the Growth of Allium Fistulosum

Eganoosi Esme Atojunere


The project was designed to develop an automated Drip Irrigation System(DIS) for the application of water for the growth of Allium Fistulosum. Allium Fistulosum is known for its economic values as a medicinal plant however reaching its daily water requirement is becoming difficult especially due to insufficient amount of rainfall and also shortage of manpower when water is applied manually. Allium Fistulosum’s seed was planted on a 5 m by 5 m land plot beside the Department of Systems Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria in May 2023.Data of rainfall pattern, evapotranspiration of Lagos, Nigeria were collected from metrological agency to calculate the Evapotranspiration(ETo) and Reference Crop Evapotranspiration(ETcrop) for Allium Fistulosum to define the threshold level for the DIS to irrigate. The moisture meter probe inserted into the soil layer continuously monitored the moisture content of soil and interfaced reading with the M-32 microcontroller that periodically uploaded to the cloud (ThingSpeak) for visualization. The DIS for irrigation was fabricated at the Control Laboratory consisting moisture meter, MSP-32 microcontroller, relay, DC submersible pump, water reservoir all connected together to computer system. Results showed that ETo and ETcrop for Allium Fistulosum was 5.4mm/day and 4.86 mm/day at crop coefficient (Kc) of 0.9 which was the threshold set for Pump to irrigate by releasing the required amount of water to the Allium Fistulosum. If the moisture content was above the threshold, no action is required from the pump. The efficiency of the DIS was found at 65 to 80%, worked according to the specifications and was user friendly. The DIS can be scaled up to accommodate larger farm plots to be irrigated which would reduce human involvement in irrigation.


Allium Fistulosum, Automation, IOT Irrigation, Microcontroller, Soil moisture,

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